Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Dear Rupert: Shut the fuck up, won't you, there's a good chap.

You may have noticed that one of the things with which I really have a problem is people who don't...heh, I think I just realized another reason why I'm in love with the Saw movies...don't appreciate their blessings.

Men who have beautiful girlfriends and treat them like shit (emotionally and/or physically).

Filmmakers who make Academy Award-winning and/or box-office blockbuster movies and still stamp their little feet and throw temper tantrums if anybody doesn't like them.

People whose circumstances of life make available to them chances that I and most likely anybody reading this (sorry) will probably never, ever get and use them to keep themselves stupid.

And most recently: Shallow actor/writers * with 40+ films to their credit (and who are even on the masthead at Vanity phucking Fair, forcrissake), complaining that coming out has just ruined their career.

Any actors and/or writers out there (straight or gay, closeted or open) who, like me, would be willing to open a vein for a career as "ruined" as Mr. Everett's?

*I feel justified in the "shallow" tag, being as I've read his memoir.

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