Thursday, February 25, 2010

Surely you knew this was coming

Have you been watching Rachel Maddow and/or Keith Olbermann recently? If so, you'll know that one thing both of them, but she especially, has been doing lately is calling out Republicans for this hypocrisy:

Claiming to be against the stimulus whilst, and at the same time, practically begging for money from the stimulus.

Now, it might have occurred to you, if you've been paying attention around here, that ever since it became clear how popular this hypocrisy was amongst the GOP...
more than 110 GOP members of Congress who voted against the economic Recovery Act last year, but later touted the funds or asked for more money

...I have been waiting. Waiting for what? For this:

Like His Friends In Congress, GOP House Candidate In Tennessee Also Guilty Of Stimulus Hypocrisy

Like a Swiss watch...

(Per Think Progress)

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