Sunday, July 24, 2005

Okay, the nanny and Jude Law thing

I've only been keeping one eye, if that, on this story, because...well, if I spent too much time obsessing about Jude Law, it might cut into the time I spend worshipping the twin goddesses, Virginia Madsen and Anne Hathaway.

But Amanda Marcotte, as might be expected, has a good take on it.

the story of Jude Law fucking his nanny to get revenge on his fiancee for daring to continue in her career when he apparently expected her to throw it out the window now that she's got him in her life. This is truly an odious story and I wish I had never heard it, because that is such a lowdown, asshole move that it immediately destroyed my crush on Law, a crush formed strictly on the basis of his hotness alone, since I can't, off the top of my head, think of a single movie he's in that I like. But it's hard to have deviant fantasies about a man you know is so damn selfish and arrogant, because it becomes impossible to imagine he'd be an ounce of fun. But I digress.

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