Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette

Ok, now, I don't smoke. Never have. On a bad day, cigarette smoke gives me a headache. I have, and have had, one or two friends who do, and of course I wish they'd stop. But I have to admit, almost to a person as best I remember, they've all been very considerate about sitting near windows or going outside, or not smoking at all when they know it would bother me.

Banning smoking completely from restaurants, as opposed to clearly differentiated smoking and non-smoking sections, seemed to me a tad extreme. And even I have to admit...this is insane, on at least a couple of levels.

Bill Pushed to Stop Drivers From Smoking
Ashtrays have been disappearing in cars like fins on Cadillacs, and so could smoking while driving in New Jersey, under a measure introduced in the Legislature.

You don't have to be George Carlin or even Jon Stewart to see the joke potential in trying to stop drivers from smoking while driving...IN NEW JERSEY. The garden state...if you're growing smokestacks, or so I've heard.

Some lawmakers may fear the bill is frivolous compared with more pressing issues like taxes, said political analyst David Rebovich.


Mitchell Sklar, of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police, said police departments may balk at enforcing such a law. "In general, we'd rather not try to incrementally look at every single behavior and make those a violation," he said.

A tip of the hat to James "the" Mann for the pointer.

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