Wednesday, August 10, 2005


According to The Hill...

there are signs that an...intriguing McCain-Kerry ticket could be in the works. If such an improbable thing comes to pass, its genesis might well be traced back to a one-on-one breakfast meeting July 27, when the two decorated Vietnam veterans huddled for more than an hour at La Colline restaurant on Capitol Hill.

Now, that's a disturbing enough idea. Although I've liked some of the things McCain has said and done, I'd have to think long and hard before I could vote for him. And Kerry, well, I still haven't forgiven Kerry. For so many things, really.

But here's where it starts making me want to scream and tear my hair out.

Guess it’s unlikely there will be a Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign if McCain and Kerry team up in 2008.

Yes, certainly, the republicans would never be so crass and opportunistic as to impugn the patriotism of a man who spent years as a prisoner of war. Because they've been such reasonable people of good will when it comes to their smear tactics in the past, haven't they?

I tell you, this is what makes Democrats (or whateverthehell I am) crazy: The fact that this kind of stuff is going on ALL THE TIME and it just seems to go through our cutural memory like water through a sieve.

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