Monday, August 08, 2005


Following up on that Feministing contest to pick the most "creepy-ass," but real, misogynist product out there, the winner was the toliet in the shape of a headless, armless woman. The runner-up was the transparent (and also, headless, armless, and legless--there's a theme here) pregnant torso key chain.

A blog called ms. musings found a, um, interesting little slip in the sales spiel for the latter product.

We hope you are not offended by the, uh, undressed nature of this key chain. If anything, we consider it EDUCATIONAL! It's a great way to teach your kids about the "birds and the bees" without taking off your own clothes.

Now, granted, I don't have kids, and I don't know how the parents of today are dealing with that "little talk." But I'm reliably informed that the taking off of the parents own clothes is still not a general requirement.

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