Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Going down to South Park, gonna see if I can't unwind

In Denver, a group of townspeople has mounted a protest against a city librarian. The protest is obstensibly against a Spanish novella with sexually explicit illustrations recently added to the collection.

But, of course (sigh), that's not really what this is about. It's about xenophobia and hypocriscy.

An exchange between two women revealed the deep division. Wanda Weatherford has lived in the U.S. all her life. Gabriela Casillas' parents are Mexican and moved to America when she was a little girl.

"You need to speak English," Weatherford told Casillas.
"I am speaking English, but I can speak Spanish too," Casillas replied.

"You need to speak (English) all the time," Weatherford said.

Justin Irwin of Loveland came to protest the novellas because he has four children and said he doesn't want them to be exposed to pornography.

"They are explicit and graphic and violent towards women," Irwin said, wearing a T-shirt with silhouetted pictures of naked women that said, "Experienced professionals wanted. Several positions available. Flexible hours."

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