Friday, August 05, 2005

Could have?

AmericaBlog has an exerpt from an interview with one Murray Waas, on how the DC press had protected Novak. We all know I'm down for criticizing that mother to within an inch of his life--but still, the last line of this excerpt struck me as ridiculously naive.

So, all of this occurred because reporters were sloppy, because they didn't do their work. I mean, that, in effect is the cover story, or that's what Robert Novak is insisting. And I have interviewed Geneva Overholser, for example, the former editor at The Des Moines Register, and she said some strong words about Novak, but what's interesting is because he's really at the core of a elite group, a cocktail party crowd or kind of celebrity journalism at CNN, nobody will come out and -- the Washington press corps is pretty much silent. The big wheels and big guns are not saying anything. They're not policing themselves. And this could have really deleterious and damaging long-term effects on journalism.

Could have? Excuse me, could have? What United States is he living in?

We don't have journalism in this country. We have Jon Stewart. And we have...well, we have Jon Stewart.

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