Thursday, August 04, 2005

For that certain class of right-wingers who live near a river in Egypt.

I like what Mark A. R. Kleiman has to say to conservatives who are shocked--shocked! that their president has come out in favor of "intelligent design."

Look, my conservatarian friends,=: If you like tax cuts, union-bashing, loosening environtmental controls, right-wing Supreme Court justices, and the War in Iraq enough to make you willing to vote for a party dominated by people who prefer what they call "faith" and "values" to logic, science, and fact, then go ahead, hold your nose, and vote for them. The same is true if you simply loathe liberals and Democrats so much you simply need to vote for the other party.

But don't fool yourselves, and don't look surprised when it turns out that the party of the Christian Right is against evolution, stem cell research, and the morning-after contraceptive. That's who they are, and they've never pretended to be anything else.

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