Sunday, October 16, 2005

Oh, "man on dog," why hast thou forsaken me?

From the KRT Wire:

Americans "deserve better" than President Bush's "trust me" approach to the Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers, Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said Friday, making his sharpest critique yet amid a right-wing revolt over the pick.

Santorum added, however, that he had not decided to oppose Miers and hoped to learn more about her views during confirmation hearings.

"There is a lot of heat. I think there is a lot of disappointment that the president didn't put someone up there with a record we could examine," Santorum said on a local radio show.

"It is what I term the president's second faith-based initiative, which is `trust me,'" Santorum said. "I think, candidly, we deserve better than that."

And as we all know, as goes "man on dog," so goes the country.

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