Sunday, September 17, 2006

Random Flickr-Blogging: IMG_1272

In retrospect, Jimmy would admit that he could probably have come up with a better place to put his time-lapse photography camera than the women's room at a carnival just outside Chicago.

Original source.

You may think you see a family memory that will be looked back upon and cherished in years to come. I see a child experiencing something she'll one day be describing to a psychiatrist.

Original source.

"That's right...just raise the cage a few more inches...that's it...come on...uh-oh, that guy looks suspicious...uh...I mean...the wonderful thing about tiggers, is tiggers are wonderful things, our tops are made out of...there we go, keep raising the cage, sucker..."

Original source.

Slumped in his chair, George could deny it no longer: The punk look was dead.

Original source.

"I don't want to work, I just want to...wait a minute...that is my work! Damnit!"

Original source.

"Tune in again next week for another exciting adventure of Jane Bond, SuperSpy In Training!. Next week, Jane learns the hazards of utilizing too much massage oil before a gunfight in 'There's Many A Slip Twixt Cup And Hit!"

Original source.

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