Monday, April 02, 2007

What Mark said

John McCain recently went for a walk in Iraq, in order to demonstrate that it is perfectly safe for Americans to do so. Well, great. Except that, as Mark Evanier writes:
...apparently, he's right. It is a safe place to walk, just as long as you're accompanied by a hundred armed soldiers, you have three Blackhawk helicopters and two Apache gunships nearby, and you're wearing a bulletproof vest.

Do we think this proves anything? About Iraq, I mean. I know it proves something about John McCain. I guess what it proves about Iraq is that we need to commit to staying there forever and sending enough troops and equipment so that anyone who needs to go buy a basket of strawberries is escorted by a hundred armed soldiers, three Blackhawk helicopters and two Apache gunships. Oh — and they'll need that bulletproof vest, too.

I know I keep saying this, but it bears repeating as long as there's any chance of republicans making him their nominee. It is one of the small tragedies of politics the way McCain, once thought of as the "good" republican and a war hero, has made himself over into a flip-flopping joke of a man.

1 comment:

Ben Varkentine said...

Heck, I was once interested in McCain too. The terrible tragedy (in an admittedly relative sense of the word) is that he could have been a great President...had the Republicans nominated him in 2000.

They didn't. And now, his window has closed. He is no longer the right man at the right time.

If he ever was, which is arguable.

And he proves it every time he further trashes his legacy to pander after votes.