Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Hannity: Idiot, or just a bigger fibber than McGee?

(If you're not hip to the reference, dig)

On Hannity & Colmes, Hannity said, in reference to Internet rumors about Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter, "[T]hey tried to make the attack that she has a young daughter, pregnant and engaged. Is that fair that they would attack that? I mean, I don't remember Chelsea Clinton being attacked.

First of all, if anyone, certainly any prominent liberal blogger, has "attacked" Palin's daughter, I've yet to see it. Everyone I've seen has been cautious, as I was. We want to separate the daughter's situation from the intellectual dishonesty of someone who is in a position to become the most powerful woman in the world.

The one we can all agree is private, the other could not possibly be more a matter of public interest.

But you know what? Forget all that. Say someone has been attacking Palin's daughter.

As Media Matters goes on to report, Chelsea Clinton certainly was attacked when her father was president. For being "ugly." In one case, when she was 13 years old. And not just by conservative bloggers who you could argue most people weren't listening to (certainly at the time), but by big-timers, with big microphones.

Rush Limbaugh.
John McCain.

People like that.

Of course, if you've read Al Franken's Lies book, you know that Hannity not only refuses to acknowledge Limbaugh's indefensable assault on Chelsea but he also has certain anger management problems.

Rather than accept that the right's Moses gets his jollies from picking on little girls and then blatantly lying about it, Hannity'll get in a shouting match with you. So, to be fair to Hannity and his little, little brain, I don't doubt for a minute he means it when he says he doesn't remember...

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