Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Oh, this just gets better and better

For those of you that haven't heard...

Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant.

Sarah Palin's 17-year-old, unmarried daughter, is pregnant.

The 17-year-old, unmarried daughter of John McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, is pregnant.

So, for those of you keeping score:

One: John McCain's running mate is, objectively speaking, not letting politics enter into it at all, the least-experienced, worst-qualified VP nominee we've ever had.

Two: She appears to have been "vetted," very little, if at all.

Three: She's under investigation for corruption in office.

Four: She hardly knows John McCain.

Five: She has the parenting skills of Lynne Spears.

What next, we're gonna find out her husband drives drunk?

(Funny you should mention that...)

And what's the McCain campaign's response?

"It's a private family matter. Life happens in families," said Steve Schmidt, chief strategist of the McCain campaign. "If people try to politicize this, the American people will be appalled by it."

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally. A private family matter. Like, say...oh I don't know...having to make the horrible choice to get an abortion. Or wanting to marry a person of your own sex, because you love them. Private family matters such as those?

I don't want to rip on the daughter--I don't know her situation. But the McCain campaign is starting to make me think it's being run by Jerry Ford. I don't mean the real Jerry Ford, the late president. I mean Chevy Chase's stumbling impersonation of him in the early years of Saturday Night Live.

And--as so often with the republicans--it's the hypocrisy, stupid. To again quote George Carlin, may he rest in peace,
[Right-wingers] were 'going to get government off our backs.' Yeah, but when it comes to abortion they don’t mind government being in a woman’s uterus, do they?

Finally, it's just so fitting. Studies have shown that "abstinence-only" sex education (which Palin supports), doesn't prevent teenagers from having sex...it just prevents them from using birth control if they do. And now we have a great, big, internationally known example.

Thanks, GOP!

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