Monday, February 16, 2009

A song, a scene, and a submission

This is the song. It was a hit single, and so you've probably heard it before, (but) in this case I was reminded by something you're about to see in a minute of the lyrics:

Politician grannie with your high ideals
But you've no idea how the majority feels
So outlawed in the promised land...

This is a scene from The West Wing. It's just fantastic.

And this is an entry from Huffington (by Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake) about the mainstream media and how they seem much more intent on--what they only think is--"bipartisanship" than do, say, the rest of us.

There appears to be a pretty big gap between what DC journalists think Americans think, and what Americans actually think. No better example of this can be found than the "winners" and "losers" that DC media are proclaiming in the wake of the passage of the stimulus bill, and what DailyKos/Research 2000 polling on the subject indicates.

The people who live in DC, who pretend to speak for the rest of the country, have no direct experience with what is happening there -- and their attempts to handicap DC politics have more to do with the inside baseball games that seek to protect their own interests above all else.

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