Tuesday, July 07, 2009

And speaking of things that don't make sense...

...I'm really trying to avoid Michael Jackson stuff today. I don't want to watch what looks to me like just another television show, rather than a rememberance of a man who, whatever shameful things may (or may not) have been in his personal life, had talent; friends, and family who loved him.

But this calls out for a question. TMZ has it that an LA SWAT team was dispatched to escort Jackson's body to the private, then public memorials. And the question is...why? Are they afraid the body's going to make a break for it?

'Cause this is Thriller...

1 comment:

jeopardygirl said...

Brooke Shields gave a very touching eulogy, but apart from that, it did seem a lot like a TV show (I streamed it on-line--best way to watch, no commercials, no talking heads telling us what his significance was).