Monday, September 21, 2009

Leaving aside for the moment the (true, but irrelevant) fact that Rachel Maddow is as cute as a button...

...this is insane.

In his comments, [Young America’s Foundation spokesman Jason] Mattera evoked the battle of David against Goliath as a metaphor for conservative college students who are ‘persecuted’ by the big bad liberals who control academia.” While discussing that theme, Mattera took the opportunity to argue for the supremacy of conservatism by saying, “our women are hot“

During the panel, Mattera took the David and Goliath metaphor another perverse step: If conservatives (David) smite liberals (Goliath), they will be rewarded with the hot conservative women, just like King Saul promised his daughter to the warrior who slew the evil giant.

And then he took an impossible-to-defend shot at Rachel Maddow. But like I said up top there, even leaving that aside...

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