Monday, September 12, 2005

I swear I'm not linking to them a million times today because I want them to add me to their linklist

But because today, Pandagon is on fire. Here's Jesse Taylor (again) on the media's patting themselves on the back for having "found their courage" in the wake of national disaster:

If you are in the media, and you're not on Fox News, you will be constantly attacked for everything that comes out of your mouth, from seemingly benign word choice to "strategic" pauses to not covering the chosen poorly-sourced conservative outrage of the week/day/hour above actual world events. It doesn't matter that something has shaken you out of your stupor, and you're no longer afraid to criticize the Bush administration because, to be honest, it's really easy right now. An unequivocal screw-up committed by a massively unpopular president? It's like taking the bold stand that Maurice Clarett is a failure, or that Charmed is cheesy. In a month, when the political winds have shifted and the right has moved on, that's when we're going to see what these people are made of. Take away the low-hanging fruit, and see if they're still grabbing.

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