Wednesday, December 21, 2005

10 best TV shows

OhNoTheyDidn't, winner of the Best Culture/Gossip Weblog Award, has a post today with their list of the 10 best TV shows of 2005. 80% of them are shows that I don't watch, so I've got nothing to say but it's okay.

Naturally, I agree with their swoon for "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," and honorable mention for "The Colbert Report." But they also get mad props from me for this little ode to "Veronica Mars"...

In addition, each episode contains its own mini-mystery, solved by Veronica with the help of her friends and her private investigator Dad. If that sounds too twee for words, it’s not — this show’s sensibility is much more “Rockford Files” than “Nancy Drew.” And for all the soap-opera-like drama, it’s the wit and humor of the characters that makes you care about them. Don’t worry about coming in late: While “Veronica Mars” is one of the best shows out there when it comes to continuity, new viewers will catch on pretty fast. You know how you never watched “Sports Night” or “Buffy” even when your friends kept telling you to? This is that show.

Then, unfortunately, things get nasty, as they get all nerdy about the inexplicably popular (to me) new "Battlestar Galactica."
Ron Moore and writers craft flawed characters and terse dialogue that give Aaron Sorkin (“West Wing”) a run for his money.

I'm sorry, no, I'm just not having that.

My own list, BTW, goes something like this, in no particularly signifigant order:

"Veronica Mars." Well-acted, smartly written, layered...but if I haven't badgered you into watching this show yet, I suppose I should give up. Not gonna, but I suppose I should.

"Boston Legal." Unbalanced in the very best of ways. Bill Sherman calls it "ultra-erratic," and I know what he means, but I love it in some ways not in spite of that but because of it, as you love a toy with the stuffing coming out of it.

"The Daily Show With Jon Stewart." I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The "legitimate" press has allowed Edward R. Murrow's legacy to fall to a comic.

And "The Colbert Report" has definitely begun to find it's own way, with Colbert starting to sound more like a solo artist and less like a cover band.

"Supernatural." But in a weird way I couldn't tell you why. It's probably the show I watch that I'm least attached to...but I do keep watching...

"Everybody Hates Chris." Though I gotta admit, the laughs are getting thinner. May be in danger of falling into the "Yeah, it's funny, but I don't give a crap about the characters" trap.

"Gilmore Girls." Ah, my weekly breath of fresh air. Poppy in the way that your favorite poppy things are poppy.

"24." Any of you remember an SNL parody ad from the early '80s for Rubik's Grenade? As it sounds, this was a Rubik's Cube-like device in the shape of a grenade, and if you didn't solve it before the clock ran out ...KA-BOOM! Thus is "24."

"Doctor Who." Even if I didn't like the new series, I'd be thrilled that someone has managed to make this show a viable hit (in the UK), commercially and critically, again. But I do like it. I'll always resent Christopher Eccelston for having once been paid to lie naked upon an equally naked Kate Winslet, but he was teriffic in this. So was Billie Piper, which was more surprising-I only knew her as London's answer to Britney Spears...

"Huff." I'm keenly anticipating Season Two of this Showtime award-winner.


Anonymous said...

I was the only person who thought Threshold was great, and now it's gone. So, with the gap in my viewing schedule, I surveyed my friends. I am definitely hooked on House, MD and iffy on Grey's Anatomy, so with your recommendation, and the fact that Joss Whedon loves it, I think I'll try Veronica Mars next.

Ben Varkentine said...

Whedon was actually in an episode a few weeks back. I thought they used him really well.

I was afraid it was going to be something like Veronica happening to be in a video store where Whedon was appearing "as himself" and he would have some encounter with her and "endorse" her for all the Buffy zombies. "That girl's ok," or something equally awful.

But he was even very funny--much better than Kevin Smith, IMO, who has more recent performing experience.

Ben Varkentine said...

PS: I can't get into House because I can't get my mind around Hugh "Mr. Music, will you play?" Laurie playing scruffy/sexy/cool.

Bilingual Blah Girl said...

I love Gilmore Girls as much as you do, and I also like to watch 24. Season (or Day) 4 of it is about to start here in Germany. We're still waiting for Veronica Mars and all the other shows you listed, though.

I also love Lost and Without a Trace and loads of other shows.