Friday, December 23, 2005

I think I'll do a meme

Via The Adventures of the Smart Patrol:

Seven Things to do Before I Die:

Go to Ireland.
Get the Keitha/Annabel/Colley story published or produced in some form, or else get them out of my head.
Stop being neurotic about being smart.
Get paid and keep getting paid for writing.
Own a new car.
Stop caring about politics cause it's so clear it doesn't care about me.
Go deep-sea diving.

Seven Things I Cannot Do:

Not make a joke when it's just crying out to be made
Give up sugar
Watch the new Battlestar Galactica
Understand why Paris Hilton doesn't just become a porn star and be done with it
Not look when a woman in a low-cut blouse leans over
Not feel sympathy for Courtney Love, god knows why
Be happy away from California (apparently)

Seven Things That Attract Me to... Blogging:

The instant gratification of one-click publishing
It's a way of keeping my friends up to date on what I'm thinking about
The way it's attracted a small circle of regular readers and commenters (mostly women, for some reason, but I'm not complaining)
It puts my name out there where the darndest people find it (remind me to tell you about how I was threatened by Amy Ephron)
It keeps me well informed
It's a way of keeping my hand in as a writer when I'm between major projects
It cures isolation.

Seven Things I Say Most Often

"What up"
"Duck-humping, homophobic, rock-stupid, anti-sex, illiterate hillbilly from the hated state of Tennessee."
"Is what I'm saying."
"Never piss off a writer"
"Not necessarily"

Seven Books that I Love

A Child Across the Sky (Jonathan Carrol)
I, Asimov
Asterix the Legionary
The Essential Ellison
The West Wing shooting script books
Joe Jackson's A Cure For Gravity

Seven Movies that I Watch Over and Over Again

All That Jazz
The Lord of The Rings
Finding Nemo
Almost any James Bond movie
Most Terry Gilliam movies

Any bloggers want to pick up the hat, it's up for grabs...


Anonymous said...

Watch the new Battlestar Galactica

Seriously, I thought the same thing, but I gave the miniseries a try and now I'm hooked. Now granted, some of the actors are a little *too* pretty, and can't act their way out of a wet paper bag... but it's pretty grim, I like how they worked in the "retro" aspects of the old show...

And it's WAY better than the old show.

(remind me to tell you about how I was threatened by Amy Ephron)

Okay, I've GOT to hear that.

Most Terry Gilliam movies

I realized last night that I forgot to put Time Bandits in my list... oh well!

Ben Varkentine said...

"Okay, I've GOT to hear that."

It's all quite puzzling, really. She-assuming it was really her and not some mad Amy Ephron impersonator-took exception to something I wrote about her over a year ago on an old blog.

She sent me a couple of kindly-worded emails mentioning things like "libel."

Until I mentioned that I'd been referencing information from a book that had been on the stands in 1998.

And I failed to see how a blog with as small circulation as mine could cause her professional harm, in any case.

As I say, very strange.