Sunday, December 18, 2005

Political a-musing we will go

Update: Friday, December 16, 2005, it was reported that the Bush administration has been secretly spying on Americans without having to present good and sufficent cause.

12/18/2005: Finding himself with no answer to what former Sen. Bob Graham (D-FL) called-
unwarranted, illegal — and I think unconstitutional — eavesdropping on American citizens

-Bill Kristol, that neocon idea man who continually teases me and breaks my heart, reverts to form.

Kristol: It's Clinton's fault.

Less than two days it took him. I gotta say I'm impressed. You can also say this for the neocons: They may not have rational motives, the law, or the best interests of the county on their side, but they sure do have speed.

(Just ask their wives. Thank you! Goodnight!)

But (semi) serioously folks...

Mark Evanier has some good things to say about Bush having authorized spying on Americans without providing good and sufficent reason. I got a grim smile out of his conclusion:

In this country, we don't allow our Chief Exec to decide which laws he'll obey and which ones he won't. I think every Republican who wants to defend Bush on this one should be forced to utter the sentence, "I would not hesitate to see President Hillary Clinton have the same authority."

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