One or two of you long-time readers from my old blog may remember I was suspicious of something that happened at the end of the fourth "day" of 24. Follow that link to the old post if you don't know what I'm talking about, and want to.
An "evil lesbian" character killing a character whose name sounded like "Joss," in exactly the same way that Tara was killed, yet? Taken together, it seemed to me possible if not probable that someone on the writing staff was having a giggle.
But it was also possible that the characters name was "Josh." A friend and I looked in the various online cast lists and summaries, but the part was so small it wasn't listed. So I had to wait for the DVD subtitles.
Well, the DVD has been released. It is not "Josh."
However, it is also not "Joss." According to the DVD is "Joz." So I guess the question of whether this was intended to be a subtle tweak remains in the category of "you make the call."
Me, I think it was, and I'm going to continue to think so until I hear or see something from whoever thought up that name which says otherwise. Because, as I said at the time, one or even two of those connections, I'd write off to happenstance. But three?
And really, how many times have you heard the incredibly-common name "Joz?" Pretty off-beat name to just be "throwing in there."
Old business now concluded...go about your day.
1 comment:
Most random thing ever: can you get a photo or screengrab of this man (Joz) as I have to dress up as him on a 24 obscure night. Any help would be really appreciated.
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