Saturday, February 04, 2006

But hey, "Brokeback Mountain" is doing really well

Pam has a roundup of recent news stories of interest to the gay (and pro-gay) community, including:

  • The guy who went on a rampage in a Massachusetts gay bar with an ax and a gun
  • Anti-gay activist Fred Phelps plan to disrespect Coretta Scott King's funeral
  • The "de-gaying" program in (of course) Tennessee
  • A few marriage amendment battles
  • And the increasingly bizarre Chris Matthews

There is a connection between all these things, and it's not just their interest to those communities. If we let people say that

  • Gay people shouldn't be able to get married
  • A man can interupt a woman's funeral because he doesn't like her position on gays
  • Who they love can be "cured"
  • And otherwise speculate about them like Joss Whedon fans after too much Mountain Dew

Can we really be that surprised when someone decides they're not people who deserve to live?

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