The synthesizer. That's a Prophet V. sequencer, BTW, since I know you were wondering. As used by Thompson Twins.
Terry Gilliam movies, which for some reason I've chosen to represent with this vidcap of Uma Thurman as Venus in The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen.
Frank Sinatra singing a Moonlight Serenade.
Starflyer 59's Leave Here a Stranger.
Annabel & Keitha, of course. Dr. Seuss books.
Elisabeth Shue. There's a moment on the LLV soundtrack CD where she says "Don't you like me, Ben?" I could die every time...
A Renoir oil titled In the Meadow.
And Ryuichi Sakamoto's BTTB.
Terry Gilliam movies are always a beautiful thing.
I'd quibble some with his last two or three, but not much.
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