Monday, April 23, 2007

Anne Hathaway wearing nothing but a paper bag

I swear to god, the woman's trying to kill me.

BTW, I have revised my earlier theory about what happens to us when we die if we've been good. I no longer think we go into a never-ending shower with a 21-year-old Virgina Madsen.

Now I think we get into an ever-warm bed which we never have to leave and in which every time we wake up, this is the first thing we see:

You make your heaven, and I'll make mine.

ETA: In a sense, this is some kind of an accomplishment. This blog is now listed on the Anne Hathaway Home Page at Guilty Obsession. Under the label, "Anne Hathaway Obsessors." I don't know that this is entirely fair, I mean, I wouldn't say that I was obsessed with Anne Hathaway...

I mean, I do find her awfully sexy and all, and it is kind of unfair how insanely beautiful she is. But I'm also pleased to see her winning acclaim as an actress, and I wouldn't want you to think that I...that is, that I...ah...that I...

Eyes...those eyes...good lord in heaven almighty, those eyes...

Okay, but I'm not the least bit guilty about it.


Dr. Zaius said...

I love it! This post caught my eye.

Ben Varkentine said...

Can't think why.