Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Oh. My. God.

Shorter version of the reaction of unbearable pro-war idiots like Neal Boortz and Mark Steyn to the deaths of 32 people:

The 32 people are to blame.

I am not making this up.

This is another one of those moments when I just want to say...

Isn't it Democrats like me who are supposed to look everywhere for someone to blame except the killer?

Wouldn't you think that if these Heathers had an ounce of compassion in their hearts for every parent who just lost their child they would wipe the drool from their mouths and just sit quietly for a while in recognition of the fact that something MASSIVE happened here?

Something bigger than all their fantasies of being Bruce Willis?

You'd think so, wouldn't ya?


jeopardygirl said...

The actions these guys are suggesting only happen in the movies. The human response is to freeze for a second to gather intel. that will tell him/her to fight or flee. And when some guy is pointing a gun at you and smiling, I would imagine you don't have the time to move beyond that stage. Plus, it's awfully disorienting when everyone around you is screaming and crying.

I'd like to see how they would have reacted in the same situation; probably peed their pants.

Incidentally, are they blaming this "wussification" on the liberal lefties? Strange, I thought it was the hardcore righties who were always telling us to fall back into line and do as we're told? Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

I wish these jerks could be forced to sit down with the families of the dead students and explain their remarks. For some reason, I think they'd choose 'flight' over 'fight', because their obnoxious macho BS doesn't extend beyond their keyboards.

Anonymous said...

What a useless piece of shit.

Ben Varkentine said...

Which one?