Thursday, April 19, 2007

vegan lesbian transsexual 'interspecies erotica' devotee speaking...and how are you?

Debbie Schlussel has responded to Media Matters pointing out that her answer to the Virginia Tech shootings was to agitate for racial prejudice and conflict. Since this blog was one of those that joined MM in taking Schlussel to task for this, and since nothing is more important to me than a sense of fair play, I felt it only right to let you see that response.

In the interests of equal time. Miss Schussel?

"...I suppose now that Don Imus is gone, they've assigned the vegan lesbian transsexual 'interspecies erotica' devotee they had monitoring the Imus show to monitor my site."

Well! I don't know about you, friends, but I don't qualify under any of those labels.*


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