Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What do I associate with feminists?

Jennifer was moved to write a lengthy comment in response to the "feminists" video clip I posted a few minutes ago. In it, she says

I think most of the stereotype is based on the "anti-mother" personality: someone who is bitter, resentful, loud, unforgiving, cold-hearted, cynical, hard, world-weary. These aren't qualities we associate with a mother...but they are associated with feminists.

To which my response is: Are they? I guess I didn't get the memo. But it seemed to beg the obvious question: What do I associate with feminists? I guess my idea of feminists is women who are funny, smart; also nurturing, and who want sex education and birth control that is realistic.

Where do I get this idea?

Blogs like Feministe and Feministing.

Ainsley Hayes, although she might deny that she is one. Actually Sorkin's shows are mostly populated with brave, "non-traditional" and assertive female characters.

The Gilmore Girls and Amy Sherman-Palladino.

(In my head, feminists also all act a little like Holly Hunter, but that might just be me.)

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