Thursday, August 28, 2008

You were wondering when I would get to her, weren't you.


Anne Hathaway.

What, you thought I forgot?

It was a stroke of genius casting Anne Hathaway in Brokeback Mountain. Because if a man is married to this woman...

...and would still rather have sex with another clearly shows that man is gay.

She's quite simply reason enough to believe in god, need I say more?

Ok: She symbolizes beatitude. She's the future Mrs. Varkentine. The most beautiful woman in the world. Although--and if I had a dollar for every time I've heard this from a beautiful woman--she says she never thought she was.

‘Growing up, there’s a lot of pressure on young women,’ she says. ‘You just want to be cookie-cutter beautiful.

In the unlikely event that Anne happens across this blog some evening:

Anne, when your parents made you, they made a new mold.

Other women want to look like you.

You don't want to look like other women.

Hathaway is at the DNC convention in Denver this week. A couple of days ago she was quoted by the AP giving her feelings about Obama in a way that made me think, "Anne, I love you...but please don't talk about politics anymore."

Not that she's not for him (she is), but the way she expressed herself...well, you know how I always say that actors shouldn'

Photobucket Kelly Clarkson.

Sure, her first hits were all prefabricated drive, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. She's got an incredible voice, and with later records she least to me, and that's all we're concerned about here...she was more than cute (although she is).

Plus I liked the way she showed a spine with her label, and she has clever eyes. And it pissed me off when people said she was "pudgy."

Clarkson is presently touring with Reba McEntire.

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