Saturday, November 01, 2008

A song by Leonard Cohen

I was thinking about this song because the movie Pump Up The Volume, in which it appears (though it's not on the OST), was on television last night.

The movie's not quite as good as I thought it was then, but then I'm no longer a teenager.

This version is by a YouTuber named Holly. Here's "If It Be Your Will."


ahab said...

Have you heard the version of "If It be Your Will" by Antony, of Antony and the Johnsons? It's on the really good soundtrack to the really really good recent Leonard Cohen movie, I'm Your Man. The movie is out on DVD, and it was playing on Showtime or HBO a few months ago. It's worth tracking down.

Ben Varkentine said...

To be honest, while I liked the documentary sections of that movie, I hated the musical performance sections.

ahab said...

I figured you must have seen it.

I agree that some of the music was lackluster, but some of it I really enjoyed, like the Antony song. Martha Wainwright, for instance, is much better than her performances in that movie.

ahab said...

Teddy Thompson, Rufus Wainwright and Nick Cave are great on the album too, Ben. Come on! In reviewing it, it's really only Martha and her mom who came up short for me, and maybe Jarvis Cocker. And Bono -- where the hell did that come from?

Another good recent Cohen cover you may want to check out on iTunes is "Blue Alert," on Madeleine Peyroux's latest album. Good stuff.