Saturday, August 29, 2009

Three Transient Tongues in Cheek

...and this morning I got up to a gentle rapping at my door, announcing the arrival of another package of goodies from my Amazon list, this one courtesy of my friend Jen AKA "Jeopardygirl."

She sent me a couple of things, first, Simon Reynolds' lovely book, Rip It Up and Start Again: Postpunk 1978-1984.

I read a library copy of this a few years ago when it first came out, and reviewed it for Amazon thus:

What more can you ask from a music/pop culture book other than that it tell you things you didn't know about bands you generally consider yourself knowledgeable of?

This one deserves space on the shelf of fans...for that if no other reason.

And now it gets space on mine.

As with Corey and RTD's book yesterday, there's a certain aptness to this, as Jen and I share a fondness for this era musically. I can't speak for Jen, but if you wanted to take a peek at what it's like to live in my head pretty much 24/7 (like some New Romantic looking for a TV sound)...

The second thing she sent is the DVD of one of the great concerts by one of the great comedians, Carlin at Carnegie.

Making me feel all moderately neato...

1 comment:

jeopardygirl said...

I'm glad you like them!