Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Saved by sudden sanity at the supreme second

Oh. My. God.

A 17-year-old, openly gay girl in Alabama was told that she could not go to prom with her girlfriend. I wish I could say that surprises me, but it doesn't. What does surprise me is what happened when the ACLU stood up for the civil rights of the young woman:

Rather than treating their students like oh, what is the phrase, actual human beings, the school actually tried to cancel the entire prom.

Dig it, that's how powerful is the hold ignorance and bigotry has on this school and/or its principal. They were willing to ruin the night for an entire class before they'd let two girls attend a dance together.

Happily, cooler heads seem to have prevailed. The latest word is that the prom will go forward, and the lesbian couple will be "allowed."

"Allowed." How generous.

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