Friday, September 02, 2005

Oh, you gotta be motherfucking kidding me

some men are posting offers of shelter on Craiglist--if of course, you're a young woman willing to fuck them. Now the motivation behind the men who troll refugee camps looking for rape victims has an American face.

Dennis Hastert is taking this opportunity to pontificate on why he thinks rebuilding New Orleans ain't such a great idea. Because, you know, Republicans WUV THE SOUTH. They love it so fucking much they might feel a tad bit sorry for the South before they take a crap on it, shake it out and wipe their asses with it.

And even more: People are complaining that Planned Parenthood is donating the one fucking resource they have--medications and contraception. Oh fucking boo hoo hoo! You fuck on the road during your escape from hell, and we wingnuts who stand in for god are sending you right back, you naughty, naughty, naughty perverts. And no, there's no reason whatsoever to think that women might have any reason to use these drugs other than they are bad, naughty, evil girls who need to be punished. None whatsoever.


1 comment:

Ben Varkentine said...

Don't worry about it. I'm sorry about your uncle and your sister but like you, I'm glad they're alive at least.

I only hope that some good, small or big, will come out of this. Too many people have cried too many tears, and I think more of them are starting to realize who's responsible.

I mean it when I say I think the backlash will be long.