Saturday, October 15, 2005

In a weird way, I admire him for just coming out and saying it

Right-wing radio host and conservative pundit Neal Boortz, who is given camera time on CNN and Fox, today voiced what most of us already think right-wing conservatives believe. It's just most of the time, they're too crafty to admit it publically.

Now, however, what with Bush's approval rating hitting new lows on a seemingly daily basis, Tom Delay's legal issues and so on, I guess he's decided to voice his deepest beliefs at the top of his voice.

This is what he said:

if we are faced with a disaster in this country, which group do we want to save? The rich or the poor? Now, if you have time, save as many people as you can. But if you have to set some priorities, where do you go?

Who is a drag on society?

[Poor]people don't achieve squat. They sit around all the time waiting for somebody else to take care of them. They have children they can't afford. They're uneducated. They can barely read.

Well, hell, yes, we should save the rich people first. You know, they're the ones that are responsible for this prosperity.

That's it Neal, there now, don't you feel better? I know you needed that.

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