Thursday, July 26, 2007

I dunno, man, maybe I just don't like gangster movies.

I just finished watching The Departed and all I could say was: For this Scorsese won the Oscar? Everybody and their sister seems to think this is a great film, and I'm not saying it's bad. I don't believe in "auteurs" but if I did Scorsese would be one.

What kept this film interesting for me was that I kept imagining it as a story I was being told in his trademark coked-up (even if he's straight) verbal style. The characterizations overall seemed to me to be about as dimensional as a piece of cardboard, and the woman's part...

Well, far be it from me to stereotype, but if you didn't know already that Scorsese was Italian...


Anonymous said...

Mark Wahlberg cracked me up in that movie. Damon and DiCaprio were okay, and I loved Jack Nicholas...

Ben Varkentine said...

Heck of a golf player, that man.

Becca said...

I agree Scorsese was not on top of his game here by a longshot! There were some interesting scenes or characters but...

DiCaprio's character bored me and I couldn't have cared less what happend to him.

Casino was MUCH better.