Saturday, July 28, 2007

Holy crap

Hey, remember The Nine? It was one of my favorites of the TV freshman class of '06 but, like Studio 60, it got expelled for going -clunk! in the ratings. Pity, because it was really an interesting series-and freakin' Hannah Montanna is still riding high...

Anyway, I see to my surprise and pleasure in Entertainment Weekly that ABC is returning it to the air for the last six episodes. That's ABC, a network otherwise notable for bringing you what I predict will be the first cancelled series of the year: A sitcom based on those cavemen in the insurance company commercials.

Perhaps I shouldn't be so snarky, as it turns out, I may owe ABC an apology...

But anyway, if you're in the exclusive club who knew what a good show it could be, heads up: The final episodes begin airing Wednesday, August 1, at 10. PM.

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