Monday, November 12, 2007

Oh, happy day

Cate Edwards, daughter of John and the future first babe of the United States of America, is hitting the campaign trail for her father.

I have had the major hots (bordering on obsession) for Ms. Edwards ever since the '04 campaign.

And as if that weren't enough...

Clinton and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama are more popular among younger voters than John Edwards, according to several polls. Cate Edwards thinks that's a product of how her father is perceived — something she sought to fight by sharing stories about her family, from their political discussions over dinner to how she and her mother, Elizabeth, disagree with his opposition to gay marriage.

Emphasis mine. Swoon...


Richard said...

Dude, I'm just saying, you know?

And this too.

Ben Varkentine said...

Why do you seek to cheapen the beauty of my relationship (albeit hypothetical) with Ms. Edwwards?

Richard said...

Sir, if you are implying there is anything "cheap" about my Titian-tressed fantasy First Lady, I shall have to ask you to step outside!