• THE BONE EATER (SCI FI, Sat Feb 9, 9 pm). In this TV movie, a corrupt land developer unwittingly unearths an Indian burial ground (oopsy!), releasing an ancient bone creature who apparently really loves eating bones! QUESTION: Does this sound as dirty to you as it does to me?
ANSWER: Why, no. No it doesn't. Bone Eater? What's so dirty about that? Let's just see who's starring in this thing...
"Adoni Maropis." Never heard of him....ah! I take that back. I see here he was the lead terrorist on the last season of 24. Pity he couldn't have been on it when it was good. But, speaking of pity...
"Bruce Boxleitner." Oh, Bruce, Bruce, Bruce, Bruce, Bruce...Babylon 5. Tron. Even Bring 'em Back Alive, right? And now...a Sci-fi channel original movie. Oh, I don't feel good about this. I'll have to avoid...
"Also starring: Jennifer Lee Wiggins."
Great day in the morning.
Well, that's my next Saturday TV watching sorted, then...
(It's not that I don't have the courage of my convictions, it's just that...

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