Tuesday, September 09, 2008

If I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times

Alec Baldwin is in the top five (at least) of those who prove an old adage that I made up:

Actors...shouldn't...talk. He just has an absolute gift for saying the most astonishingly stupid things. As you might have guessed, I have a recent example.

This time he's not hauling the dirty laundry of his former marriage before the public, nor is he proving again that as a political spokesman, he makes a great host for Saturday Night Live.

Baldwin is, however, getting into an insult match with Greg Garcia, who created the television series My Name Is Earl.

It seems that Baldwin complained in print that NBC pays more attention to Garcia's show than it does to 30 Rock, on which Baldwin stars. And maybe they do, I don't know.

But I gather that Earl gets almost nine million viewers a week. While 30 Rock -though, as they say, "respected in the industry"-suffers from the fact that outside of the industry (and critics)...virtually no one wants to watch it.

I'm not saying this means one is better than the other, personally, I don't watch either. I tried Earl and found it not for me; I can't and won't watch 30 Rock. But so far as I gather, that does appear to be the truth. So maybe that's why NBC pays Earl more attention, if in fact they do.

Following Baldwin's complaint, Greg Garcia was quoted calling Baldwin "a psychotic narcissist." (All together now: He could've just said, "actor." Boom-tish!)

Baldwin responded in turn by taking to The Huffington Post--which website I have come to like, but wish they wouldn't publish Baldwin's crap--and asking Garcia

"Why are you Scientologists always rendering these medical opinions [like calling Baldwin psychotic] you aren't qualified to give?"

And Mr. Garcia replies...

"Alec, ...I'm unable to answer your question about Scientologists because, although I respect anyone's right to their own beliefs, I am not currently nor have I ever been a Scientologist."


If I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times.

And one other thing....never piss off a writer.

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