Sunday, September 07, 2008

Oh my head...

One of the first "grown up" movies I ever remember seeing was Norma Rae. I would've been about seven years old, maybe eight. Maybe I didn't understand everything about it at the time (blue collar politics and whatnot). But even then I knew it was about someone doing what they felt needed to be done to help others, even if there were pressures from without.

So perhaps you can understand why it makes my head hurt just a little bit to read that Chris Matthews is describing Sarah Palin as

"a conservative version you think perhaps of some movie heroes like Norma Rae, the factory worker fed up with minimum wage, who did whatever it took, even jail time, to get the union organized." ..."[B]eing mayor of little Wasilla got her ready for some big fights, a strong female up against the odds fighting for justice. It's a familiar theme."

"A strong female up against the odds fighting for justice."

"A strong female up against the odds fighting for justice."

Let's just remember: Sarah Palin, claiming sexism, is representing the party of sexism. And counting on sexist assumptions to keep Joe Biden from being able to make her look like the dumb, malicious, unpleasant and selfish person she is.

Sarah Palin, claiming (falsely) her family is "under attack," is representing the party (indeed, one of the very men) who really do attack the families of politicians they don't like.

Sarah Palin, who took so much pork she could choke.

Sarah Palin, who supported the "bridge to nowhere" until it became a laughingstock, and now lies about it.

Sarah Palin, whose ethics are currently under investigation but has the audacity to say she's a "reformer."

Sarah Palin, who wants to be, as they say "a heartbeat away from the presidency," has no experience in foreign policy whatsoever. At a time when we're at war on two fronts. More if you count the ever indefinable "war on terror."

Sarah Palin.

"A strong female up against the odds fighting for justice."

I've seen that--they were called The Dixie Chicks.

Sarah Palin has nothing to do with that..

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