Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Y'know, sometimes my conscience kinda bothers me. Like when I called Sarah Palin "dumb, malicious, unpleasant and selfish."

Obviously I think she's such an irresponsible choice for VP as should cause panic, mostly because she's such a fucking lightweight. But really, did I have to say that?

As I say, sometimes my conscience kinda bothers me.

But not this time.

Sarah Palin (and her family) had to be warned by a court judge--repeatedly--to stop speaking poorly of her sister's ex in front of their children. Reportedly the attacks were so disturbing they threatened to affect Palin's sister's custody rights; the judge proclaimed them "A form of child abuse."

Now: Obviously I don't know the details of Palin's sister's marriage, nor do I care to. I'm not interested in painting the ex-husband as a hero. However: He is the state trooper Palin tried to strike at after she became governor, firing another man when he wouldn't help her do so. (Allegedly)

But what does it tell us if Palin was willing to ignore a court's warning and use the power of her office for spite? Well I don't know about you, but that sure settles it for me:

This is exactly who I want having their "finger on the button".

She also likes quoting a writer who said he wished an assassination attempt on FDR had been successful, and that Bobby Kennedy would be assassinated (before he was).


And when I say nice, I mean dumb, malicious, unpleasant and selfish.

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