Friday, December 16, 2005

2005 Weblog Awards-Results

Like it says up there, the votes are in for the 2005 Weblog Awards. Let's see how yours truly did in picking favorites.

Best Blog-Daily Kos. Not much of a surprise-pretty much the "King Kos" of blogs.
I voted for-Talking Points Memo, which came in fourth, after Kos, Atrios and (grimace) Michelle Malkin.

Best New Blog-Yellow Dog Blog.
I voted for-Yellow Dog Blog. Hey, I picked a winner!

Best Group Blog-Hit and Run. Never heard of them. I'll get back to you. Ok, just glanced at it. It's the blog of the Reason Magazine staff. Doesn't look like much.
I voted for-the women of Pandagon, who came in fifth, after H&R, RedState, Think Progess, and TPM Cafe.

Best Humor/Comics Blog-Jesus' General.
I voted for: Jesus' General! Another winner.

Best Liberal Blog-AmericaBlog
I voted for: AmericaBlog! I'm three out of five!

Best Media/Journalist Blog-Michael Yon. Another one I seem to have missed.
I voted for-James Wolcott, who made number three after Yon and The Raw Story.

Best Technology Blog-Engadget.
I voted for Slashdot, the only tech blog I read even though I understand less than 10% of the items posted on it daily.

Best Culture/Gossip Blog-Oh No They Didn't! Which I'll be checking out shortly, I assure you.
I voted for-Dlisted, which made it seventh, but that's ok, I was already over them. Blogs that beat them include Pink is the New Blog, Conv. Famous People, Go Fug Yoursels, Perez Hilton and The Superficial.

Best LGBT Blog-Pam's House Blend
I voted for-Pam's House Blend. I'm back in the saddle again!

Best Video Blog-Crooks & Liars
I voted for-Crooks & Liars! Was there ever any doubt?

Best UK Blog-normblog. Don't know it.
I voted for-Tim Worstall, who scored worst of any of my choices with a dismal ninth place, after normblog, The Daily Ablution, Samizdata, Biased BBC, Harry's Place, Melanie Phillip's Diary, Slugger O'Toole and London Underground


Tim Worstall said...

Many thanks for the support even though the result was, as you note, a less than stellar performance.

I do have to admit, given that you like the leftish side of the blogosphere in the US, why do you like my blog? I’m somewhat to the right of your usual fare aren’t I?

Ben Varkentine said...

To tell you the truth I voted for the only one of the UK blogs I'd ever heard of.

And I was grateful to you for reprinting the Tierney NY Times column about the brain trust in the Pentagon propaganda department, so...