Sunday, December 11, 2005

More memories of Richard Pryor

The obits are sure to be piling up-a lot of people loved Richard Pryor, and I hope he died knowing that. I'll be posting more good ones as I find them, so check back if you're interested.

Digby starts out by noting,
If you would like to have a surreal experience akin to the effects of downing ten shots of cheap tequila, tune in to FoxNews as they eulogize Richard Pryor. Apparently he invented dirty words. (It's going to come as a helluva surprise to Lenny Bruce --- not to mention Redd Foxx.) He rejected the comedy of the good comedian, Bill Cosby, and went down the "wrong path" that led us to where we are today with all this R rated badness. One of the commentators said that when he went on TV in the mid 70's he "wasn't ready for prime time." (Actually, prime time wasn't ready for him.) Another said that "every black comic owes him something."

1 comment:

The Humanity Critic said...

Rest in Peace Richard