Sunday, April 09, 2006

Another Example Of What John Kerry Has Done To Me

He's made me agree with Tracey Schmitt, RNC spokesman. See, Kerry has made what the NY Times (via Daily Kos' Georgia10) describes as "A Slashing Attack On The Bush Administration."
Find Osama bin Laden and secure our ports and our homeland. Bring our troops home from Iraq. Obey the law and protect our civil rights," Mr. Kerry said in ticking off his list, which also included supporting health care, education, lobbying reform and alternatives to oil, as well as reducing the deficit.

Georgia10 feels Kerry is
Plain-spoken. Blunt. Scathing in his rhetoric (yeah, I'm describing John Kerry, can you believe it?). A true Fighting Dem.
While as I say, I find myself in agreement with
Tracey Schmitt, the RNC spokesman, [who] responded in her typical catty manner and dismissed Kerry's statements ("John Kerry deserves credit for continuing to take himself so seriously, despite the fact that no one else does"),

I feel the need to say to anybody actually getting wet or hard about this "new" John Kerry something similar to that which I'd say to people star-struck by the "new" Al Gore: I am not impressed by what Democrats do when the heat's off.

John Kerry finally came to fight, eh? Woo! With the President's popularity tied to an anchor, that certainly takes bold political courage.

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