Sunday, April 09, 2006

Must be an even-numbered year

Because recent experience has shown, only in even-numbered years do I ever think an episode (usually only one that year) of SNL is funny almost all the way through. Last night's/this morning's was it for 2006, thanks for the most part to host Antonio Banderas.

With all the Philadelphias and the Zorros and the Pancho Villas and the Femme Fatales and the Original Sins, you can forget how funny that guy can be. How can you not like a guy secure enough to go out on live television, declare, "The truth is...I'm a woman!" pull off a breakway suit and stand there in a red mini-dress, complete with falsies?

I don't know about you, but I can't not like such a guy.

The Mexican soap parody was also great. I'm pretty sure at least one or two of the sketches were written by the women performers just to give themselves an excuse to give Banderas a lap dance, but who's gonna blame 'em? I'd probably do the same myself if Beyonce were hosting or something.

...but the cameo by Chris Kattan hurt like an earache. And, SNL being SNL, two or three of the sketches had no endings. The obligitory Zorro sketch made me miss Chris Farley (no mean feat, I assure you).

1 comment:

Ben Varkentine said...

Haven't seen that one, but I liked "Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!" which also starred him and was by the same director.