Monday, April 10, 2006

This blog doesn't get a lot of traffic from Alabama

In fact, of our last 100 drop-ins (y'all come back now, y'hear?), exactly none have come from Sweet Home Alabama.

As you can well imagine, this has long been a source of shame to me.

But now, at least, I think I finally understand it. You see, I think it's because I have, on occasion, been known to run pictures that suggest some women-in fact most, if the truth be told-have breasts.

Apparently, this sort of thing just isn't done in Alabama. A state where, BTW, it is unlawful to sell dildos while wearing bowling shoes.

We know this sort of thing just isn't done in Alabama (via Pam's House Blend) because of a woman named Loretta Nall, who is currently running for governor of that state on the Libertarian Party ticket.

An Alabama newspaper recently chose to run a photo of the candidate (not supplied to them by her) that reveals a bit of cleavage. It's not cleavage likely to appall any of us who were born in the big cities, but the columnist with whose work the photo ran was shocked-shocked!

In 55 years of political writing, that was a first for me—-a picture in my column of a woman displaying cleavage. I can only hope that my mother...and I know for a fact where she ended in the after life...didn’t see that column. She wouldn’t have approved of that picture.

Now, we here at Dictionopolis in Digitopolis have certain mixed emotions about Libertarian women with large boobs at the moment, for entirely personal reasons. But can we agree that these $&#&*^% loons are ridiculous?

1 comment:

jeopardygirl said...

Many of the people of Alabama would not enjoy visiting the province of Ontario where it is legal for women to walk around with their breasts unfettered by clothing.