Monday, April 10, 2006

I've been wanting to be asked these questions for about 10 years

And since I'm unlikely to be a guest on Inside The Actor's Studio any time in the near future, I scooped up this Meme, unbidden, from a fella named Tom Hilton. I may as well get my answers down somehow.

What is your favorite word? Brouhaha.

What is your least favorite word? Squat.

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Good music...broadly defined, so we're not just talking about the kind you can hear on record or play on instruments (although we are talking about that). The music of birds, the music of talk, the hum of the universe.

What turns you off? Bad music. Ditto.

What is your favorite curse word? It's not really a curse word, and one or two of you will probably know where I got it: "Motherpusbucket!"

What sound or noise do you love? Gently running water. Like from a stream, trickling away low in the background. Or, waves on the beach.

What sound or noise do you hate? Loud engines like motorcycles.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I would love to be able to be a pianist.

What profession would you not like to do? Hot Dog On A Stick girl.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

"She's waiting for you."

Which yes, I know, begs the question:

Who is she? That changes.

I'm tossing this up to whoever wants it.

1 comment:

Tom Hilton said...

It's from Ghostbusters, right?

But the only reason I know that is that it's also Kvatch's favorite swear word. And I have to admit--it's a really good one.