Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I absolutely luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv Molly Ivins

Have I mentioned that before? Yesterday, she offered her two bits (and change) on what we in the liberal blogosphere have decided to call..."Hookergate."
I don’t care what anyone smoked 20 years ago, I approve of those who boogie ‘til they puke, and I don’t care who anyone in politics is screwing in private, as long as they’re not screwing the public.

On other hand, if you expect me to pass up a scandal involving poker, hookers and the Watergate building with crooked defense contractors and the No. 3 guy at the CIA, named Dusty Foggo (Dusty Foggo?! Be still my heart), you expect too much. Any journalist who claims Hookergate is not a legitimate scandal is dead—has been for some time and needs to be unplugged. In addition to sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, Hookergate is rife with public interest questions, misfeasance, malfeasance and non-feasance, and many splendid moral points for the children. Recommended for Sunday school use, grades seven and above.

Read her. Rejoice in her. Luxuriate in her.

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