Friday, March 16, 2007

Another one of those all-too-rare moments when...

...I am proud to live in Washington State.
Student in hot water over Pledge

Kyle King's act of protest against the Iraq war was silent.

When other students stood up to salute the flag during Monroe High School's fifth-period music class, King would remain quietly in his seat.

The high school senior had declined to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance for about two years before his quiet demonstration got him into hot water with a teacher who insisted that King was bound by law to rise and recite the pledge with the rest of the class.

The teacher was mistaken. King's mother, Kelly King, found that out when she visited Monroe High's principal to complain about how her son was treated.

There's more which you should read. But dig how classy that protest was. It didn't disrupt or prevent any student who wished to salute the flag. It wasn't exhibitionistic like those murky-thinking college students who think mooning a paper mache doll of President Bush sends a clearly-worked-out political message.

It simply, quietly, and I think quite eloquently, said: I do not wish to salute the flag when my country is being led by criminals, liars and torturers carelessly sending men and women to die.

That's what I think it says, anyway. Your mileage (as King's) may vary.


Anonymous said...

This is one of many problems in this country. All I hear is kudos to this KID and thats what he is a child who needs guidance. I think we can all understand his pain and frustration with his situation. I have read many comments about this subject and One thing is clear everybody believes in and wants freedom. Does anyone really know what freedom is anymore? Freedom comes with a price tag HARDWORK we seem to have forgotten how that works in this country. We think everything is our right it is not our right it is our responibility to maintain what our forefathers worked so hard to create. We should be teaching this kid to support our goverment not take a stand against the goverment that has given us our freedom, is our goverment perfect? thats almost laughable but are you perfect? It sounds like alot of us here is america are very spoiled and think that they can do a better job of running this country. I have a great idea do something about it istead of teaching our children that they can do everything and anything they want at no conciquence to anyone else. Our businesses and our goverment is a pruduct of the people. Are we instilling the proper values into the children of this country that will someday lead us both is business and in goverment.

Ben Varkentine said...

Yes, politics and our government is a product of the worst and the best of the people.

But anyone supporting the Bush administration is in no position to talk about anyone *else* doing whatever they want with no apparent thought of consequence.

I would rather have someone like my five-year-old nephew led, in the future, by somebody like this kid who took a principled stand.

Anonymous said...

What did this kid take a stand for.

Ben Varkentine said...

If you have to ask...there's no way I can possibly make you understand.