Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Ok, the Suskind book thing

As you may or may not have heard, depending upon how much attention you're paying (and again, I totally understand if you're not paying much): Ron Suskind, author of The One Percent Doctrine, has a new book out.

Which reportedly contains yet more revelations that Bush, Cheney and their bitches are, to coin a phrase...Crooks and Liars.

there is very little left to which people like Nancy Pelosi can hold on to claim that there is no proof of criminal wrongdoing

the Crooks & Liars entry linked (and quoted) above also quotes John Dean from an interview on Olberman's Countdown yesterday.

OLBERMANN: The devil‘s advocate question in this one, John, is-the Bush administration ends in six months, presumably-why is simply, you know, getting the shovel, the historical shovel out and covering this up with as much clean and sanctified dirt as we can not enough? Why is forgetting this man and his presidency not enough?

DEAN: Keith, I think it‘s more than a devil‘s advocate question. It really is the central question in the 2008 campaign. If we have another Republican administration, we‘re going to see more of the same that this sort of material that‘s revealed by Suskind.

I haven't said much about this here, mostly because I haven't felt like it. I haven't felt like it because, for me, the evidence was in years ago. It was so plainly obvious that in a nation with any moral fortitude whatsoever they would've been driven from office at the very least. And in a truly morally centered universe, jailed.

So obvious that I'm just tired of putting on my little show of indignation each time new atrocities come to light--you know "can we impeach them noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow?" and so on.

Because it's also become apparent that Pelosi, for reasons passing understanding, will not listen to the people on this. And that is, quite simply, why congress isn't that much more popular than Bush and Cheney right now (they may even be less, for I don't have current numbers in front of me).

But I'm bringing this up now because, I guess, hope springs eternal. Bush and Cheney need to be put down like the rabid, frothing-at-the-mouth dogs they are.

(By the way, should any of the smart and lovely men or women of the Federal Bureau of Investigation be looking in, in the previous sentence I'm using "put down like the rabid, etc" as a metaphor for impeachment. I am absolutely not calling for a violent overthrow of the United States government. I wouldn't call for that sort of thing to deal with Bush & Cheney.)

(Well, maybe I'd call for them to be whacked on their noses with rolled-up newspapers--but that's as far as I'd go.)

(I'm a dove, you know)

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